Tripadvisor에 남긴 Review
https://www.tripadvisor.com/Restaurant_Review-g274887-d696068-Reviews-Menza-Budapest_Central_Hungary.html BEST RESTAURANT !! 한국인의 입맛에 가장 잘 맞는다는 굴라쉬 맛집으로 소문난 멘자 식당
- Hungarian goulash soup : 소문만큼 맛있다(?) 혹은 익숙한 맛이다. - Menza pork Schinitzel with parsely potatoes ; 우리나라 돈가스보다 좀더 얇게 튀겨져 나오고 입맛 까다로운 아이들 먹을 만한 음식입니다. - Spaghetti with shrimps, garlic and parsely : 일반적인 스파게티로 맛있게 먹을 수 있습니다. - Duck breast with gratin potato and shesnut sauce : 한국에선 접하기 힘든 거위요리 많습니다. 닭가슴살보다 조금더 퍽퍽한 느낌으로 무난히 먹을 수 있습니다. Winter Cocktail : Wine-Lemon-Orange-Winter spices 따뜻한 칵테일도 한잔 했습니다 |
0,75 bistro & bar · Budapest, Szent István tér 6, 1051 헝가리
★★★★☆ · 비스트로
젤라또 로사 · Budapest, Hercegprímás u. 9, 1051 헝가리
★★★★★ · 아이스크림 가게
Street Food
시간이 흘렀음에도 이 포스팅의 가장 큰 목적은 이곳의 Boycott을 위함이다.
뉴욕 카페 · Budapest, Erzsébet krt. 9-11, 1073 헝가리
★★★★☆ · 커피숍/커피 전문점
The Most Beautiful Cafe in the world 라고 자칭하는 이곳에....내가 남긴 Review & FeedBack
"Because it’s a trip, you’re going to go once??"
Nov 17, 2019 hanikim75, Seoul, South Korea I think the reason why I have no choice but to go even after seeing many bad reviews is because of the tolerance called ‘travel’. Taking a picture at a cafe said to be the most beautiful in the world and talking about the experience to people around you may not be traveling. I know there are reviews of good experiences, but if you're thinking of going just to take a photo or because you're in Budapest, I hope you'll think again. The cafe I visited just in time for opening time on a Sunday morning boasted its beauty, but my 10-year-old daughter, who ordered an omelet, didn't eat any more. I heard it smelled like burnt food, so I checked and found that the bottom of the omelette was completely charred. The waiter said that the omelette was just like that and left. New York Cafe staff who carefully respond to cafe reviews, please look at the attached photo and leave a reply here to see if this is a normal omelet https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowUserReviews-g274887-d970327-r727178196-New_York_Cafe-Budapest_Central_Hungary.html# BandurG, Vendégkapcsolati vezető at New York Cafe, responded to this review
Responded November 22, 2019 Dear Guest, First and foremost, please accept my sincere apologies for all the inconveniences you have encountered, you cannot imagine how terribly sorry I am to hear that your recent experience visiting our cafe was not what you expected and you were not satisfied with the selection of dishes. We will consider everything you commented as we take a lot of pride in our business and try to be spot on 100% of the time. I hope you will give us a second chance to offer you a better culinary experience, we will always wait you with friendly welcome. New York Café Team |
포스팅을 위해서 몇개의 리뷰를 더 봤으나, 개선된 모습은 보이지 않으므로, 혹시 이 글을 읽으시는 분들은 과감히 이곳의 방문 계획은 접으시길 바랍니다.
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